
  • Vintage Embroidered Designs

    22 November 2015

    We have been making lots of new vintage pieces for The Country Brocante Winter Fair next Saturday 28th November!

    vintage bunting

  • The Country Brocante

    21 November 2015

    We are super excited to be a part of The Country Brocante’s Winter Fair next Saturday 28th November.

    This lovely show is a must to get you in the Christmas spirit and is going to be held in the Grounds of Cowdray House, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 0AY.

    There is going to be 3 marquees filled with vintage and antique stands, Christmas gifts, gorgeous home wares, beautiful crafts and of course we will also be there with our lovely range of Scandinavian Christmas bunting, stockings and decorations along side our well loved vintage designs.

    The show opens at 9am. 9-11am is early bird entrance of £10.00 11-5pm is £5.00.
    If you head over to you can see a full list of exhibitors.

    There are no cash points near by so do come prepared with cash or cheque books.

    Hope to see you there!

    The Country Brocante

  • Personalised Bunting!

    18 November 2015

    We have been fitting in a few bespoke orders in between our Christmas production, here is a lovely personalised strand we made for a one year olds birthday party.

    personalised bunting

    personalised bunting

    personalised bunting

  • Christmas Advent Calendars!

    15 November 2015

    Not long to go now until we will be putting out our advent calendars. If you have not yet got one and like hunting out magical treasures for your little one then our advent bunting could be the perfect option for you.

    We have a lovely range of advents this year, some are made from gorgeous Scandinavian fabrics and there are some very special one off pieces made from vintage embroidered tablecloths and linen, all have been lovingly handmade.

    They are the perfect ingredient to set a festive scene and are wonderful Christmas decorations that can be brought out year after year and filled with your own choice of treats.

    christmas advent bunting

    christmas advent bunting

    vintage christmas advent bunting

    Christmas advent bunting

  • Christmas Paper Garlands!

    15 November 2015

    Last week we started making lots of new Christmas paper garlands. Some have already gone onto the shop but we have lots more going on this week.
    My personal favourites are the garlands made from vintage wrapping paper!

    christmas paper garlands