It has been lovely working on all the personalised Christmas orders over the last few weeks. We are always happy to customise our products to get the exact look you are after so please get in touch with any ideas you have for 2015!
Christmas Posting Dates.
03 December 2014
TweetDon’t miss out on getting your bunting in time for Christmas!
Artist and Makers Fair in Lewes.
03 December 2014
TweetPlease come and join us this Saturday 6th December at Lewes Town hall for the Artist and Makers Fair.
We will be selling lots of festive bunting along side some of our vintage and classic ranges and the hall will be full of lots of other local designer makers selling beautiful things.
There will be a winter warmer café there so you can recharge and a lovely creative space to keep the kids happy.
It is only 50p entrance and it is open from 10am till 5pm.
Cross Street Open Studio's
28 November 2014
TweetThe open studio is all set up ready for tomorrow.
There are some amazing handmade products in there as well as an abundance of Christmas bunting so do pop in and check them out!14b cross street, hove, 11-5pm
Christmas Artist Open Houses 2014
25 November 2014
TweetCross Street Workshop is opening its doors again this year as part of the Christmas Open Houses which start this Saturday in Brighton and Hove and run for 3 weekends – 29th/30th, 6th/7th and 13th/14th from 11am- 5pm.
The Christmas Boutique will be packed full of amazing products from local designer/makers so why not make your Christmas shopping easy and come along to find the perfect gifts for all as well as some lovely bunting to start your festive decorating.
14b Cross Street, Hove, BN3 1AJ